How Anxiety Feels

 Thu 17 Feb 9.19 pm

A Messy Thoughts Messy Writings

Hi I'm a 19 year old girl, and as I am writing this I cant help but feel anxious as to how I want to word my feelings. There are these voices in my head whispering yelling to me saying that I'm not worth it but it's not just that, it is just very hard for me to structure those things that have been going on in my head.and I read that when you're feeling anxious, write. So I wrote. In hope that I'll find the part of me that's been missing. or is it never really lost, shes just uncomplete and broken.

I knew, I always knew that I was an anxious girl. The thoughts of others perceiving her as if they're waiting for her to fall have been wandering her mind since she was 5. A little girl deseprately hurting but was told to surpress her feelings because it was the "right thing" to do. That little 5 year old is still here very much alive in that 19 year old her. Woke up everyday yearning for some knights to save her from this trapped wall called "mind".  


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