
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Idea Of Love

Written while laying down on my bed; after rewatching bridgerton for the 5th time. It's weird. I see people falling in love; some last quite long, some just..meh. One day, my bestfriend, my roommate got herself a boyfriend and just like that all the routine night convos gone, I did not blame her though. When you're in love your whole body burns for that one person, tingling all along just by the thought of their names. Oh what I would give to experience that; the devotion for just one person, having the one by my side (my hopeless romantic self wanted to write forever but..). Is it supposed to be this hard? Is love that hard to be embraced?  If I'm being completely honest, I know that beauty is not my lack. I promise this is not a mere gloating, I really am pretty though. and to be transparent, I'm a smart girl(yo girl's under scholarship bro) but there is that one thing that I still can't comprehend as to why I can't see myself being genuinely loved by othe